Thursday 21 January 2010

Butcher Time!!!

                                          Saturday kept us busy helping Grandpa Wells
                                          butcher his beef. We began at 8:00am and
                                          finished at 2:00pm.

                                         We did the butchering right here in our new
                                          kitchen! Even though we had a saw, grinder
                                          and all those knives in the house we did not
                                          do any damage as far as we can see.:)
                                          In this pic. we are skinning the meat so it will
                                          be clean. If you look in the background you
                                          can see Dad and Joe cutting T-bones.

                                          Break Time! I have to say it looks nasty and
                                          messy but our meat really is clean.:) It is a
                                          big  job getting the mess cleaned up.

                                                     Mom is holding up a shoulder steak.
                                                     She wraps the meat in plastic and then
                                                     gives it to one of us to wrap in paper,
                                                     tape and label.

                                          Some of the labeled packages.


liberty said...

Guess what I'm going home to in a few minutes? Butchering beef!

vwcocoa said...

Hey! I guess it is...beef butchering
season!?? I did not know that you all did your own beef.

Spencer Mom said...

A freezer full of meat, that is a good feeling. I can't imagine doing this, but glad that you all know how.

The Wells Family said...

Yes,very nice to have a full freezer with a great variety to work with. It is lots of work but kinda fun.:)

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