Wednesday 7 April 2010


                                                                                          After the crew got the cows and calves rounded up, Dad and some others helped sort the babies
 from the momma cows. Then we began branding...
Joe started us off roping a calf.

                                                                                                                                 Becca and Manny flank the calf, Mr. Pete cuts the ear,
and Grandpa brands. (Mrs. King is in
the background taking pictures! Yea!)

...the branding...

The Boss man! The BEST DAD in 
the world.

Colby and Allison were able to come help
us with the brand. We tried to get some pix 
of the boys. This is MY cute nephew Ryan.:)

Snack Time!!! Yea! Mrs. Cindy King made 
some very delicious cookies. :)

Two cute little cowboys!

This picture makes it look like it was a pretty 
day... it was very windy and cold. We all got 
pretty covered up in dirt. It was so nice to
take a shower! :)


ren said...

Becca looks awesome in that shot! What a gal ;)

Prairie Momma said...

You never appreciate a shower like you do after branding. We're due to brand in a couple of weeks or so. Not sure when as our realtor just let us know that we may have someone interested in coming to look at the place in a couple of weeks. Keep praying!!!

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